Impact Hub Fellowship for Longer Lives
25 October 2013 - Impact Hub
AXA,  Swiss  Re  Foundation  and  Impact  Hub  looking  for  entrepreneurial  solutions  to  address  demographic  ageing

Today  AXA  and  Swiss  Re  Foundation  launched  together  with  Impact  Hub  an  international  startup  support  program,  to   enable  entrepreneurs  with  innovative  solutions,  to  address  the  challenges  of  the  increase  in  human’s  life  expectancy   and  demographic  ageing.  The  Impact  Hub  Fellowship  for  Longer  Lives,  implemented  in  four  different  cities  and  countries,  will  nominate  up  to  twelve  initiatives  and  award  four  of  them  with  a  one  year  fellowship,  gaining  access  to  seed   funding,  focused  skill  development,  valuable  networks  and  a  stimulating  workspace  at  Impact  Hub.

Impact  Hub  Fellowship  is  a  topic  focused  entrepreneurial  idea  award  and  one year  incubation  program  designed  to   attract,  select  and  support  early  stage  impact  orientated  entrepreneurs  and  help  them  realise  their  innovations  for  a   more  sustainable  world.  Each  Fellowship  gets  implemented  by  the  collaborative  effort  of  key  stakeholders.   The  thematic focus  of  the  AXA  and  Swiss  Re  Foundation  Fellowship  is  Longer  Lives.  The  increase  in  human’s  life  expectancy  and demographic  ageing  has  become  one  of  the  major  challenges  facing  our  society  today.  Although  there  is  still   a  north­‐south  disparity,  it  is  a  global  phenomenon  and  since  2009,  the  number  and  proportion  of  elderly  people  has   been growing  faster  than  ever  in  both  developed  and  developing  countries.  This  gives  rise  to  very  significant  economic, social  and  educational  challenges,  concerning  everyone  of  us.  However,  it  is  also  a  source  of  barely yet  explored   opportunities.   With  the  Fellowship,  AXA,  Swiss  Re  Foundation  and  Impact  Hub  are  looking  for  innovative  initiatives  that  provide  sustainable  solutions  towards  meeting  the  challenges  and  opportunities,  posed  by  the  increase  in  life  expectancy  and   demographic  ageing.

The  Fellowship  will  be  open  to  purpose-driven  entrepreneurs,  who  are  ambitious,  aiming  to  revolutionise  the  status   quo and  find  that  collaboration  is  the  most  powerful  tool  to  generate  positive  impact.  Awarded  will  be  scalable  solutions  in  the form  of  products  or  services  that  enable  changes  in  practice  or  behaviour  in  one  or  several  of  the  following   aspects:

• Organisation  of  family  life

• Education  system

• Corporate  economic  life

• Public  services

Starting  in  Milan,  Italy  at  Impact  Hub  Milano  applications  open  beginning  of  November  2013  -­‐  the  Fellowship  will   further be  launched  in  London,  United  Kingdom  at  Impact  Hub  Kings  Cross,  Oaxaca,  Mexico  at  Impact  Hub  Oaxaca  and   Madrid, Spain  at  Impact  Hub  Madrid.

This  partnership  came  into  being  on  the  occasion  of  the  150th  anniversary  of  Swiss  Re,  joining  forces  with  one  of  the world’s  largest  insurers,  the  AXA  Group.

“We  at  Swiss  Re  Foundation  are  proud  to  work  with  AXA  on  this  new  initiative. It  is  a  natural  extension  of  our  business   relationship  and  offers  opportunities  to  merge  our  business  and  social objectives for  the  good  of  society”,  said  Jean-­‐ Jacques  Henchoz,  CEO  Reinsurance  EMEA  and  Member  of  the  Board  of  Trustees Swiss  Re  Foundation.

“I  am  convinced  that  the  increase  in  life  expectancy  is  one  of  the  main  challenges  of  the  21st century,  for  both  mature   and  emerging  economies. This  partnership  with  Swiss  Re  and  Impact  Hub  is  a  wonderful  way to help  turn  one  of  society’s  greatest  risks  into  an  economic  opportunity,  thanks  to  concrete  solutions  launched  by  social entrepreneurs   throughout  the  world”,  said  Alice  Steenland,  Vice  President  of  Corporate  Responsibility  at  AXA  Group.

AXA  Group  Community  Investment  

As  a  responsible  corporate  citizen,  AXA  strives  to  play  a  positive  role  in  society,  by building  a  culture  that  promotes   employee  volunteering  and  by  helping  to  build  better  understanding  of  the  risks  faced by  individuals  and  society  at   large.  This  commitment  includes  three  key  initiatives:

• Volunteer  work,  carried  out  through the  AXA  Hearts  in  Action  international  solidarity  organization  for  21  years.  In   2012,  over  28,500  employees  volunteered in charity  projects  around  the  world.

• The  AXA  Research  Fund  that  supports  science  contributing  to  understanding  and preventing  environmental,  life,   and  socio-­‐economic  risks.

• A  partnership  with  the  humanitarian  NGO  CARE,  to  help  vulnerable  populations  better  face  climate  and  health   risks.   For  more  information:

Swiss  Re  Foundation    

Swiss  Re  Foundation  is  a  non-­‐profit  organisation  committed  to  care  and  concern  for  society  and  the  environment.     Launched  in  2012  by  global  re/insurer  Swiss  Re,  the  Foundation  aims  to  make  people  more  resilient  towards  natural   hazards,  climate  change,  population  growth,  water  scarcity  and  pandemics,  along  with  other  challenges  to  society’s   security,  health  and  prosperity.  It  also  supports  community  projects  and  employee  volunteering  in  locations  where   Swiss Re  has  offices.   For  more  information:

Impact  Hub  &  Impact  Hub  Fellowship    

Impact  Hubs  make  up  a  global  network  of  people,  places,  and  programs  that  inspire,  connect  and  catalyse  impact.  Part   innovation  lab,  part  business  incubator,  and  part  community  centre,  Impact  Hubs  offer  their  members  a  unique  eco-system  of  resources,  inspiration,  and  collaboration  opportunities  to  grow  impact.     The  global  Impact  Hub  Fellowship  Association  is  a  not-­for-­profit  member  organisation  based  in  Zurich  to  promote  social  innovation  through  start-­up  incubation  programs  –  Impact  Hub  Fellowships.  Through  the  association,  these  programs  are  globally  connected,  while  being  integrated  in  local  Impact  Hubs.   For  more  information:,