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Startup Crash Test Milan

L’evento si terrà in Inglese. 

Startup Crash Test è un evento progettato per presentare progetti di “stresstesting”. Fondatori di startup fanno il loro primo pitch, presentano il loro prodotto, il loro modello di business, mercati potenziali, e la propria road map.

L’evento si apre con la presentazione di uno dei nostri esperti di Startup che parlerà delle attuali problematiche che possono incontrare le nuove realtà, evidenziando i trend di settore. Non mancheranno anche utili consigli.

Seguiranno poi i pitch di 3 startup della durata di 5 minuti ciascuno e 15 minuti di Q&A.

Se siete interessati a fare pitch della vostra startup iscrivetevi qua: https://sctmilan.typeform.com/to/zrfuyw.

A seguire, non mancherà la possibilità di fare networking con altri imprenditori e startup che hanno già affrontato le vostre sfide, imparando dai loro errori.

Se vuoi partecipare come pubblico, registrati qui sotto. Ti aspettiamo Giovedi 16 novembre dalle 19.30 presso co-working Impact Hub Milano.

Questa stagione vogliamo rendere SCT Milano meglio per la community e abbiamo deciso dopo aver ricevuto un feedback dalla community fissare un prezzo.
very early bird – 3,5€, early bird – 7€, e il prezzo normale di 10€.

All’inizio della parte ufficiale, partiamo da un piccolo aperitivo.

Startup Crash Test is an event aimed at “stress testing” the market strategies, business models, distribution, roadmaps, etc. of technology startups. This event is designed to offer entrepreneurs a platform to tell about your project to other entrepreneurs, to receive feedback from an audience, to find partners, and to develop your network.

In general, the requirements for startups:

– to be created not more than 1.5 years ago;
– MVP, prototype or first small sales;
– some beginning investments could be own startup money;
– a desire to pitch, answer questions and be open to collaboration.
At the beginning one of the experts, leaders in Startup ecosystem speak 10 minutes (+10 minutes of Q&A) about anything which could be helpful for startuppers. It could be advice how to create a team, how to fundraise money or some motivational speech.

Afterwards, three projects pitch their idea/startup, which includes 5 minutes of presentation, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session.

If you are interested to pitch your startup, please, register here: https://sctmilan.typeform.com/to/zrfuyw.

We wait for you Thursday 16 November from 19.30 in co-working co-working Impact Hub Milan.

This season we want to make SCT Milan better for a community and we decided after receiving a feedback from a community to set a price.
very early bird of 3€ (+ transaction fee 1.31), early bird of 7€ (+fee 1.43), and the normal price of 10€ (+fee 1.51).

At the beginning of the official part, we start from a small aperitivo.


The program:
[more details will be updated during the week].
We are preparing to have one speaker and three startups.

We have special guests during our “Open Microphone” part, where community meets interesting people and groups, which could give added value to the startup community.

Thanks to new collaborations, the professionals from StartUp Legal (http://www.startuplegal.it/) (legal & tax advisors) and DigitalHive (https://digitalhive.it/) (IT, UX/UI, SEO) will be available to answer all your questions regarding their areas of expertise for free during the event.

Nov 16th
Impact Hub Milano