Discover The Startup Ecosystem in Milan!
ESSEC Alumni, Angels4Women ed Angels4Impact in collaborazione con Impact Hub SB presentano la prima conferenza-cocktail sul boom dell’ecosistema di startup a Milano.
Il link per iscriversi è disponibile qui.
L’evento è gratuito e aperto a tutti coloro che intendono affacciarsi al mondo delle startup innovative e dei business angels.
Di seguito il programma dettagliato e gli ospiti presenti. Al termine dell’evento è previsto un aperitivo di networking.
Essec Alumni IHM Event
Start-ups and the business angels networks
Fuelling Growth and Innovation in the Italian ecosystem
March 10th 2022
Location: Impact Hub Milano
19.00 – 19.30
19.30-19.45 (15 min)
A brief overview of the Business Angel networks and innovative start-ups in Italy
Speaker: Marco Nannini, CEO Impact Hub SB, Business Angel and Entrepreneur
19.45-19.55 (10 min)
When a Corporate co-founds and supports a women led business angel network in Italy: the
case of Axa Italia
Speaker: Giorgia Freddi, Head of Communication, Corporate Responsibility & Public Affairs,
AXA Italia
19.55-20.40 (45 min + Q&A)
The crucial role of business angels: roundtable and Q&A
Annamaria Tartaglia, Founder Angels4Women, Business Angel and W7 (G7) Advisor
Filippo Zanetti, Board Member Impact Hub SB and Italian Business Angels Network,
Stefano Marsilii, CEO Equity Factory, M&A advisor, Vice-president Angels4Impact
Barbara Poggiali, Non Executive Director, Former C-level Executive, Diversity Advocate,
Founder Angels4Women
Marie-Pierre Schickel, Board Member Angels4Women, Brand Innovation Strategist
Networking aperitivo