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CreativeMornings Milan

Impact Hub Milano is very pleased to host its CreativeMornings Milan, the free monthly breakfast lecture series for the creative community. On Friday 23rd of February starting from 8.45 a.m. we’ll be waiting for you to have breakfast together at Impact Hub Milano, via Aosta 4 to start a series on Anxiety.

CreativeMornings Milan / February: Creative Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, or more precisely Machine Learning, is revolutionizing nearly all fields of our society. Cars have started being autonomously driven, medicine Is becoming personalized with treatments tailored to each individual, and computers can distinguish what is represented in an image with a precision better than humans, just to mention a few.

But there is a revolution going on within the revolution. Machine learning algorithms have recently become able to create: from innovative game strategies that defeat human champions to realistic items including artworks; pictures, paintings, songs, poems, scripts, videos.

In the presentation, we will start with a brief introduction to what Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning are in general, and then dive into some examples of creative machine learning algorithms. Instead of making an extensive overview of the hundreds of such algorithms currently available, we will focus on a few of them to provide an intuition of how they achieve their creative abilities. While doing so, we will find out that beyond every creative artificial intelligence there are creative and smart minds that were able to design these algorithms.

Massimiliano Grassi has been working with data and machine learning for more than 10 years, since he was studying Psychology at the university. He is senior data and research scientist at Villa San Benedetto Menni Hospital, working in the development of precision medicine algorithms in the field of clinical psychology and psychiatry, lecturer in statistics at the Istituto Superiore di Ostreopatia in Milan, and co-organizer of the Data Science Milan meetup. He is also a psychotherapist and co-founder of Wadex, a FinTech start-up.

“Remember to set your alarm, and we’ll see you in the morning!”

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Feb 23rd
CreativeMornings Milan